Workshop at Kubin on Moa Island, January 2016

Firebox was once again invited back to Ngalmun Lagau Minaral Arts Centre. This time however, a series of intaglio works was developed. Throughout the workshops the artists explored and developed some unconventional approaches to mark making in the intaglio medium...which is always a joy for this printer, and the results are fantastic. The works will be launched in mid 2016.
Workshop for Wei'Num Artists, November-December 2015

Dian conducted a 3 week workshop with artists from Wei'Num Aboriginal and Torres Strait Arts Corporation at three venues in Cairns, Mapoon and Weipa. The artists developed a variety of intaglio works which utilised a variety of approaches to the medium. The works are due to be released in 2016.
Workshop on Badu Island, November 2015

Dian has been at Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh Art Centre on Badu Island for 2 weeks working with artists such as Laurie Nona and Joseph Au to create new reduction lino prints.
Workshop on Moa Island, October 2015
Dian has spent 3 weeks on Moa Island working with the artists of the Ngalmun Lagau Minaral Arts Centre to produce new works.
Impact 7 International Printmaking Conference, Melbourne, September 2011

Dian has been invited to make a presentation to the Impact 7 International Printmaking Conference as part of a panel discussion involving fellow Tamarind Institute of Lithography graduates Mark Attwood (South Africa) and Plinio Avila Marquez (Mexico) and chaired by Tamarind Director, Marjorie Devon. For more information on Impact 7 -
CIAF 2011

Wei'Num's stall at CIAF 2011
Dian and Belinda headed North in late August to attend the third annual Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. Prints produced by FNQ artists during workshops with Firebox Print Studio were on show as part of CIAF and satellite events.
Weipa Workshop June 2011

Colour Trail Proofs of Zoe De Jersey's Kiss Cross etching
Dian spent another week in Weipa working with the Wei'Num artists Kassandra Savage, Daphne De Jersey, Zoe De Jersey, Tari Saigigi , and Marsha Hall to produce a new suite of etchings that will be on show at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair in August 2011
Weipa Workshop April 2011

Weipa Sunset
Dian traveled to Weipa to work with some of the artists of the Wei'Num Arts and Crafts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation, including Daphne De Jersey, Kassandra Savage and Zoe De Jersey.
Cairns Workshop January 2011

Charles Street of Black Square Arts Management invited Dian up to Cairns to work with a group of Cairns based artists. Most of these artist have completed TAFE units in printmaking and are familiar with various printmaking styles. This workshop was designed to be part educational and part with the view to create new work. The attending artists included Ben Hodges, Sam Savage, Laurie Nona, Robert Mast, and Tommy Pau.This project was funded by the Queensland Government's Backing Indigenous Arts initiative.
Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair and NATSIAA, Cairns Indigenous Art Fair and Desert Mob, Alice Springs

Dian and Belinda have had a busy few months with trips to Darwin, Cairns and Alice Springs to attend the various indigenous art industry events around the country. Prints produced by Firebox Print Studio for Papunya Tula Artists were on show in Darwin and in Alice Springs, and the the suite of etchings produced for the Western Cape Indigenous Artists were launched at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. Congratulations to all of the artists involved.
Editioning of Papunya Tula Artists Prints

Firebox Print Studio has been busy most of this year printing the editions of etchings for the artists of Papunya Tula. Dian initially conducted a two week workshop at Kintore and Kiwirrkura in June 2009. 40 prints were chosen to be editioned and were launched at Papunya Tula's Gallery in Alice Springs in November 2009. The prints are available for sale through the Papunya Tula Artists website and can be viewed here
Print Workshop at the Weipa Arts Hub
Firebox Print Studio was fortunate to recently be invited to work with the artists of the Western Cape Indigenous Arts Hub in Weipa by the centre coordinator, Charles Street.
Dian and Belinda traveled to Weipa to conduct the workshop, which ran from the 15th to the 19th of February. A number of local artists made the most of the opportunity to create new works in print, including Margaret Mara, Daphne de Jersey, Kassandra Savage and Marsha Hall. Local elder and cultural custodian, Mrs Fletcher also dropped in to see what goes on at a printmaking workshop.
Dian and Belinda traveled to Weipa to conduct the workshop, which ran from the 15th to the 19th of February. A number of local artists made the most of the opportunity to create new works in print, including Margaret Mara, Daphne de Jersey, Kassandra Savage and Marsha Hall. Local elder and cultural custodian, Mrs Fletcher also dropped in to see what goes on at a printmaking workshop.
Article on Waringarri Workshop at Northern Editions

Dian working with Minnie Lumai at Waringarri Artists
Charles Darwin University has published an article about the printmaking workshop with artists from Waringarri in Kununurra that Dian Darmansjah of Firebox Print Studio was involved in. You can read the article here.